Kotor 2 No Sound Windows 10. KOTOR 2 has no sound at all. The launcher has sound, but after that I get nothing. I've tried installing everything in compatibilty mode, updated the sound DLL, running the game in admin and compatibility mode. Save hide report. Hello falest, We would recommend you to ALT + TAB to your desktop while the game is running. Then please open the volume control in the taskbar and select 'Mixer'. In the new window you can see all running applications and their sound settings. Hi all, Ive got a big problem and I hope youll can help me to play at this game. Before, I can play at this game but one day I wanted to launch it but It doesnt work and a report message appear. If I desactivated the sound, Its work but its laging and crash after a few second. My sound pilot is. I've got no sound in game at all. At first it just cut out, so I restarted the game and that seemed to fix it but it cut out again a few minutes later. Tried restarting. No luck, I've got no sound at all. I've tried 'CTRL + S' but it hasn't done anything. I'm on windows 10, but my sound drivers are. When running STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic in Windows 98, you may see the desktop flash before or after a movie plays if windows are open on the desktop. If this occurs, we recommend that you to close all windows before entering the game.
Kotor 2 No Sound Effects
Kotor 2 No Sound Effect
Kotor 2 No Sound Windows 10. KOTOR 2 has no sound at all. The launcher has sound, but after that I get nothing. I've tried installing everything in compatibilty mode, updated the sound DLL, running the game in admin and compatibility mode. Save hide report. Hello falest, We would recommend you to ALT + TAB to your desktop while the game is running. Then please open the volume control in the taskbar and select 'Mixer'. In the new window you can see all running applications and their sound settings. Hi all, Ive got a big problem and I hope youll can help me to play at this game. Before, I can play at this game but one day I wanted to launch it but It doesnt work and a report message appear. If I desactivated the sound, Its work but its laging and crash after a few second. My sound pilot is. I've got no sound in game at all. At first it just cut out, so I restarted the game and that seemed to fix it but it cut out again a few minutes later. Tried restarting. No luck, I've got no sound at all. I've tried 'CTRL + S' but it hasn't done anything. I'm on windows 10, but my sound drivers are. When running STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic in Windows 98, you may see the desktop flash before or after a movie plays if windows are open on the desktop. If this occurs, we recommend that you to close all windows before entering the game.